Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Under construction!

Okay, now before you give up on me, let me explain that my awesome new site is under construction. So if you faithfully followed me to, only to find that site dissipate late last night, please, please stick with me. Issues should be resolved within a day, if not within hours. I promise! I haven't gone away! Really! I even have three (THREE!) blogs in reserve for immediate publication.
peace. tricia

1 comment:

  1. I don’t imagine you will read this to the end nor publish it on your blog or Folio. I saw your article in the Folio, a friend gave it to me. There are so many flaws in the article that I just had to respond.

    One of the statements you made was that, “Now the church is against contraception.” I know in your article you mentioned you were raised Catholic until you went to college. Just so you know until 1930 all Christians Churches believed that contraception was evil. The Catholic Church is the only one that still believes that contraception is inherantly evil. I am sure you would disagree, but look around you and see what has happened to our society since the pill came on the scene. We have 50% divorce rates, we have rampant pornography, we have adultery gone wild and we have thousands and thousands of innocent babies murdered by women who have decided that they didn’t want to deal with the consequences of their own actions.

    Then the next thing was that the Church is making contraception an issue. I beg to differ with you on that statement also. It is Obama who is making it an issue. My personal opinion is that he did it on purpose to make a big enough stir that people like you wouldn’t look deeper into what is really going on. The objection of the Catholic Church is that the Federal Government is telling the Church that the Church has to provide birth control and abortions through insurance policies for the Church’s employees. That is a gross abuse of the power of the Federal Government interfering in Religion. What ever happened to ‘separation of church and state’ that the left has been ramming down our throats for the past twenty years. It is not the purview of the Federal Government to supply birth control not abortions to anyone, and by the way not Viagra either. If you are adult enough to have sex you are adult enough to pay for your own protection and not put it on the backs of citizens either through higher taxes or insurance premiums. Please grow up and take responsibility for your own actions!

    Then, of course, there was the miss information about what the Church teaches about homosexuality. Why don’t you actually pick up a copy of the Catechism of the Catholic Church and do some real fact checking for a change.

